Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rexburg Center Stake
Martin’s Cove Youth Conference Chronicles
June 2008
Volume 2

Important Dates:
v Names and ancestor’s story needs to be submitted to Tami Erickson for the person in which each person is walking for.
v $25.00 payment for each participant - Turn into your bishop.
v Medical Release form signed by participant and Parent turned into James Allen 656-0276
v July 1st Preparing Pioneer Clothing should be ready to be worn at Stake Martin’s Cove activity.
v Daily preparing both spiritually and physically

Spiritual Preparation

· Personal prayer each day
· Pray to listen to the Spirit--then follow promptings
Personal regular study of Book of Mormon and other scriptures
As you read the scriptures, think of the trek while you ponder
Study your ancestors and the handcart pioneers
Improve your listening skills

I would like to challenge everyone who is going on the Martins Cove trek to study the lives of those who originally made the journey. I know if you learn about the lives of the pioneers your experience at Martins Cove will be one that can change your life. As I have studied the things that the early pioneers went through, I have gained a stronger testimony and appreciation for what they went through for all of us. I know that the pioneers didn't cross the plains alone and that Heavenly Father helped them every step of the way. I also know that even though our trials may be different today, Heavenly Father is still there for us and He does listen to our prayers and helps us through our trials. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet who restored this church on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves all of us and we can all return to him someday through the blessings of the atonement. I know that President Monson is a true prophet today. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and its truthfulness and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church on the earth. Kelton Peck – Stake Youth Committee

Growing up in the church I learned about the trials and the hard ships that the pioneers went through as they crossed the unforged trails west. I would sit in church and listen to the stories, but they never really stuck. Year after year I would here the same stories, never taking them into my life and really searching for what the stories meant to me. I would feel the spirit telling me that it was important and that I should care, but I never did anything about the spirit prompting me to learn more.
Now as I prepare for the trek, and ready myself, I am learning more about the actual people that were involved. I have read stories and accounts on what happened to various companies and even a single person. Each time that I read an account, I feel the spirit grow stronger and stronger, letting me know that what I just read was not just true, but it was something for me to learn from. From these stories I have come to know that what the saints were striving for is not only true but truly important for all of us.
I have learned that the Latter-day prophets were prompted by the lord to move the saints west. I know that that gospel has been restored, and the keys and power of the priesthood. I know that the saints that crossed and died on the plains went through what they did not just for themselves, but for me and everyone that will believe in the gospel. I know that the church is true. I also know that we have a Latter-day prophet on the earth today. I know that through Christ all things are possible and if we just will give our faith and lives to the lord that he will not only guide us but he will protect us along the way back to him.
I know these things to be true with my whole heart and soul. I pray that all of us can have enough faith to follow in the footprints of our ancestors, and make a journey to Christ of our own that we too may receive the blessings of heaven. Lauren Hennrich – Stake Youth Committee

Physical Preparation
Pioneer Trek requires physical stamina. That requires physical preparation, obeying the Word of Wisdom, eating wholesome foods, not overeating, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise. It is important for you to start now. Physical preparation cannot be completed in a short period of time.
Pioneer Trek requires physical stamina. That requires physical preparation, obeying the Word of Wisdom, eating wholesome foods, not overeating, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise. It is important for you to start now. Physical preparation cannot be completed in a short period of time.
One of the most important aspects of all exercise is to be properly hydrated. Any physical activity lasting longer than 20 minutes requires hydration, preferably with water. If the activity lasts over an hour, then a sports drink is better because it will replace needed electrolytes. There is no rule set in stone nor a magic formula as to how much water one needs during the day. A general rule is that you should drink one ounce for every two pounds of body weight. Water is best for normal hydration. The best time to drink is before you are thirsty. Dehydration has already begun once you become thirsty.


Dressing in pioneer clothing can have a tremendous impact on the spirit of the trek. The following is a short description of how pioneers dressed and it is our hope that the youth will dress likewise for the trek.

Men’s clothing:
Men’s shirts
worn loose. Plain colors were common, but stripes or plaids were also used. Light colors will be coolest. Choose something larger than a regular fit, with long sleeves.

Pants were also worn loose. Wool or linen was used. Corduroy, Cotton twill and canvas pants are good choices. Trekker in our day find that wool is to hot but that cotton work great. Colors include blue, black, gray, browns, especially beige and tan. Choose rather loose fitting through the crotch and thigh area to add comfort in walking. Avoid Levis on the trek because they are too tight, hot and don’t breathe.

Suspenders; Men’s pants were held up by suspenders that were buttoned on the outside of the waistband, and crossed in the back.

Hats: Men’s everyday hats ranged from pilot caps, straw hats, wide brimmed low felt hats, or round crowned hat. No ball caps allowed.

Women’s clothing:
Women’s basic dresses were floor length. It could be plain or have many ruffles. The sleeves were full, and long, with buttons or bands at the writs. Necklines were usually high, with buttons up the front. Fabrics were cotton in solid colors or small print. Bright colors were popular (especially bright yellow) Long sleeve blouses and long skirts or jumpers could be used. Pioneer trekkers now have found that dresses and skirts should be mid-calf or above top of a shoe in length (so the girls do not trip over their skirts while pulling).

Aprons; The standard apron was six to twelve inches shorter than the skirt length. It gathered at the waist and tied. The bib attached at the waist and was pinned to the dress bodice at the top two corners. Daytime aprons were made of calico remnants. Sunday aprons were made from white fabric and did not have a bib. For trekking today, large deep pockets are important to be able to carry different items along the trial.

Bonnets; Women wore bonnets whenever they were outside. They were made of cotton with a deep stiffened brim and back ruffle to protect the neck. They could be white, plain colors or a print, but they never matched the fabric of the dress. Today, bonnets or straw hats for the girls are important, they need to have something they will wear to protect them from the sun.

Pantaloons were worn underneath the dress and were normally white. They reached between knee and mid calf. You can use scrubs or pajama pants hemmed shorter. Wearing pantaloons helps maintain modesty in trekking situations. Denim jeans on the trek are discouraged because they are too tight, hot and don’t breathe.

Shoes; For both women and men, shoes need not be “period” style. Comfort is most important. Do not wear new shoe unless you have taken at least two months to break them in. Bring two pair, so if one gets wet or cause blisters, the other pair can be worn.
Socks; Pack clean socks for each day.

Clothing Sources: 2nd hand stores or borrowed clothing. Deseret Industries is a great source for pioneer clothing. A Trek Clothing Specialist is available to work with each ward to ensure proper clothing is assembled for each youth on the trek. The Stake Youth Conference Specialists will provide a basic pattern for the women’s clothing. Please contact: Lexine Saunders at 356-0624
Resources for ready made clothing:
(There are others- search the internet)

Stories of the Martin Handcart Company

Ellen "Nellie" Pucell Unthank Here is the story of a woman who, in spite of crushing handicaps, carried on the highest mission of womanhood. Her name was Ellen Pucell Unthank, but she was called "Nellie" by her friends and kinsfolk. Nellie, when nine years of age, left her home in England to come with her parents to Utah where they could worship with others of their faith and assist in building a new Zion. Nellie's parents were among those who died and were laid to rest in snow banks. But those who died and were laid to rest in the snow perhaps were most fortunate of all. They were through with their suffering and had gone to their reward. The rescue wagons gathered them up and took the sufferers to Salt Lake City where the Church saw to it that they were cared for. Poor little Nellie, nothing could be done to save her feet. When they took off her shoes and stockings, the skin, with pieces of flesh came off too. The doctor said her feet must be taken off to save her life. They strapped her to a board and without an anesthetic the surgery was performed. With a butcher knife and a carpenter's saw they cut the blackened limbs off. It was poor surgery, too, for the flesh was not brought over to cushion the ends. The bones stuck out through the ends of the stumps and in pain she waddled through the rest of her life on her knees. In poverty and pain she reared a family of six children but never asked for favors of pity or charity because of her tragic handicap. William was a poor man and unable to provide fully for his family; so Nellie did all she could for herself. She took in washings. Kneeling by a tub on the floor she scrubbed the clothes to whiteness on the washboard. She knit stockings to sell, carded wool and crocheted table pieces. She seldom accepted gifts or charity from friends or neighbors unless she could do a bundle of darning or mending to repay the kindness. The bishop and the Relief Society sometimes gave a little assistance which Nellie gratefully accepted, but once a year, to even the score, she took her children and cleaned the meeting house. The boy carried water, the girls washed the windows and Nellie, on her knees, scrubbed the floor. This heroic woman gave to William Unthank, a posterity to perpetuate his name in the earth and he gave her a home and a family to give comfort and care in her old age.In memory I recall her wrinkled forehead, her soft dark eyes that told of toil and pain and suffering, and the deep grooves that encircled the corners of her strong mouth. But in that face there was no trace of bitterness or railings at her fate. There was patience and serenity for in spite of her handicap she had earned her keep and justified her existence. She had given to family, friends and to the world then she had received. - She Stood Tall On Her Knees by William Palmer.

Sarah Franks and George Padley Sarah and her sweetheart [George Padley] were assigned to the Edward Martin Company. Sarah and her sweetheart were going to be married when they reached Zion. Sarah became so weak and ill with chills and fever that she was taken into one of the wagons. Her sweetheart also became very ill from hunger and exposure and developed pneumonia and died. Sarah took her long-fringed shawl from her almost freezing body and had the brethren wrap her sweetheart's body in it. She couldn't bear to think of his being buried with nothing to protect him from shoveled dirt and ravages of the weather. It has been said that the weather was so severe that his body was hung from a tree [in Martin's Cove] for others, who followed, to bury. - Descendants of Thomas Mackay - Utah Pioneer, Volume I.

1 comment:

Chad Banks said...

Southern Utah University has a statue of Ellen Nellie Pucell Unthank and has pictures of it.

Martin's Cove Schedule

Rexburg Center Stake Calendar
Martins Cove

Tues. July 1st
Martin’s Cove Youth Activity
Square Dancing/Pioneer Games
7:00 p.m.
Rexburg Center Stake Center

Wed. July 16th
Martin’s Cove Ma & Pa Temple Session
Rexburg Temple

Sun. July 27th
Martin’s Cove Pre – Trek Fireside
7:00 p.m.
Rexburg Center Stake Center

Tues. July 29th
Martin’s Cove Equipment Check-In
6:00 p.m.
Rexburg Center Stake Center

Wed.-Fri. July 30, 31st – Aug. 1st
Martin’s Cove Youth Conference
Martin’s Cove

Sunday Aug. 3rd
Martin’s Cove Post – Trek Fireside
7:00 p.m.
Rexburg Center Stake Center